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About Me

Welcome, Glad You Dropped By...

I am a  Baby Boomer. I celebrate the Boomer spirit: a generation that defined an era and continues to thrive in the face of modern challenges. I celebrate the values, experiences, and resilience of our generation. These traits shaped our identity. And the way we view the changing world around us.

Boomers possess a strong work ethic, a sense of independence, we love our family, our country, and our God. And we don't apologize to anyone for what or Who we believe in!

Independence is woven into the fabric of my being. I strive not to be beholdin' to any one.

Owning a business puts you in control of your present circumstances and gives you a roadmap to your future.

With the proper support and training, that future can be amazing.

Who Do I Choose To Guide Me To The Future I Envision?  

Well, lucky me, I found such a person.
Actually, I found him in mid-2000s. And he is still delivering quality opportunities to anyone willing to put in a bit of effort.

My long-time coach is stand-up guy Greg Writer, CEO of Launch Cart. He extended a sound opportunity to secure my future and I jumped on the opportunity.

After years in corporate America, and then as a small business owner, today I am part of a dynamic, innovative team that is turning the ecommerce model on its head.

The training to launch a fully functioning online store is cookie-cutter simple to follow.

If you have ever dreamed of owning your own business but thought it too difficult to do so, Launch Cart offers you all the support you need to get you started.

I can build a store for you, or even better, teach you how to build stores for others.

Basically, we offer a "business in a box" solution for you that costs thousands of dollars less than a franchise..

Let me know how I can help you. 

Thank you for visiting.

You can always reach me HERE 


